The Game of Questions

How to play

How to play SOOTH®


Firstly, decide (based on age, height, or who has the biggest nose) who is to start the game as the questioner. No need to argue, you'll all get a turn. 

The questioner takes a card from the front of the box and chooses a player to question.

That person answers "Yes" or "No". Simple, huh?

But wait, there's more!



If the answer is "Yes", the answerer (Q: Is that a word?) may choose to elaborate, and then all players join the discussion... 

Players can exaggerate, feign disgust, act out, tell a related tale, spout anecdotes, joke, or say anything that the question prompts. Just go with the flow until you're ready for the next question.

The answer was "Yes", so the questioner passes the Sooth® cards to the person on their right. The new questioner now chooses a player to question, and we're back to the start...


If the answer is "No", the questioner keeps asking until the answer is "Yes".

Around the world: If there have been two "No" answers in a row, the questioner says "Around the world" and the next question is answered by every player in turn.

Hours later, you all know a lot more about each other than you may care to, but hell, it was fun.